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Office #603, Golden Business Centre

Port Saeed, Deira,  Dubai, UAE

Company Formation In Dubai

Accounting Services in Dubai

company formation in uae

The Initial Steps Of Company Formation In Dubai

The Department of Economic Development in Dubai envisions rapid business growth in the state by offering a launch pad to all aspiring business owners and facilitating them with smooth operations, without any encumbrances of time-consuming procedures and administration constraints. This has made Company formation in Dubai, relatively an easier process for native and international aspirants alike.

Before getting on to the initial steps of Dubai business formation, it is a good idea to get detailed insights into the Dubai business jurisdictions and the set-allowances in different business models.

In the bigger picture, there are 2 jurisdictions governing Company formation in Dubai. They are:

• Mainland
• Free Zones

Both these jurisdictions are different and offer exclusive advantages to companies forming businesses in Dubai, based on the type of business and activities undertaken. If you are planning your company formation in the Dubai mainland, you also need to obtain your Dubai business license after registering with DED.




Initial steps in Company formation in Dubai involve:

• Initial approval
• License issuance
• License renewal
• General license modification
• Modification of business location
• Addition/removal of business activities
• Change of local service agent
• Change of partnership stakes
• Partner addition / removal
• License freezing
• Trade name change
• Manager change
• Liquidation or sale of business
• License cancellation

Here is all you need to do in the process:

• Decide the business activities
• Finalize a trade name
• Decide the business location

Initial steps associated with Dubai business formation that we help you with:

• Legal form selection
• Application for initial approval
• Preparation of MOA & LSA agreements
• Getting business approvals
• Collecting the business license



The process of obtaining a business license for company formation in Dubai
depends greatly on the type of activities you undertake, as they determine the type of
legal forms you need to fill in and also the parties associated with those operations.

The business operations or activities in Dubai are broadly classified into the following

• Industrial activities
• Commercial activities
• Professional activities
• Tourism activities

There may be other activities that require approval from Governmental bodies. So, if
the business activity you are planning to undertake doesn’t fall into the above-listed
categories, you must draft a concise description of the activity and send an email to for enquiry. You can also use the activities classification section
in DED to report.

Below are some examples of activities with their categorization:

Road transport related activities – Commercial
Legal activities – Professional
Travel agencies – Tourism

Apart from legal forms and activity types, there are other laws applicable by DED or
other governing bodies. At Al Zora, we help you right from the time you conceive
your business idea for company formation in Dubai and walks you through the
process of approvals and documentation.

Why Choose us?

Keep all the money that is yours

We get every business and personal tax deductions and rebates you are entitled to ensuring the maximum tax refund.

We Believe in Best Quality

Competence, Integrity and Reliability is our main mantra.

We Believe in Good Relation

We strive for life term relationship with you on your financial journey.

We Believe in Service

We will move extra mile with our service to make your life easier.

business setup in dubai

Our Accounting and Bookkeeping Services Dubai and UAE

Excellence Accounting Services focuses on the following aspects of accounting and bookkeeping:

Accounting Software

We can help you choose the ideal accounting software package and guide you on keeping your records and books, setup suppliers, reconcile banks, customers, and so on.

Accounting Software Integration

Our specialists use the till system, online payment systems. We review VAT on transaction transfers accurately to the accounts program and rectify VAT.

Record Keeping

EAS can manage your data entry, raise sales invoices, review statements of accounts and handle purchase accounts.


We help to reconcile credit cards, PayPal, Credit Cards, and other key accounts of your business.

Correct Asset Register

Our bookkeeping and accounting specialists will maintain an asset register on behalf of the client.

Basic Reports Preparation

We prepare different reports to help companies manage their business efficiently. From Aged Debtor, Profit and Loss, and Credit Reports tailored to the business